Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Democrat or Republican?
It seems to me that alot of people dont even really bother to watch the debates or the news.
"My father was a Democrat and So am I." This is crazy. Just because a persons family is democrat or republican doesnt mean you have to be that. It does happen that way most of the time. But I for one have to watch and learn and then support my on opinion.
Times are changing and its not all for the good.
The amount of celebrities that are supporting Obama just boggles the mind and what is even worse is half of them are only supporting him because of his race. This is insane.
What kind of leader can he be?
I cant say with absolute certainty that McCain is the best choice either. But considering the alternative, he is the closest thing in my book.
I just wanna shake people and say "What are you thinking?" Are you even thinking? do you have any idea what this man stands for and what he is? But I dont much, cause with some people its just like pulling teeth. Their gonna go with what they have been brought up to believe and that is that.
I just cant help but feel like any God-fearing person will not stand for Obama to be elected. But he's made it this far so Im left to wonder, Is there enough God Fearing people left on this earth to pull this off? Lord I hope so!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Enough is Enough
It has been determined that Jennifer was taken from her room during the early morning hours. After a 3 day search for her, a local fisherman found her body in a lake about 10 miles from the hotel.
Jennifer's accused Killer is a 19 year old man who is in this country illegally. He provided police with a bogus Social security card. He was working at the hotel Jennifer was staying at, Illegally, and he entered her room using his own key card. His Wife provided Key evidence in the case, when she turned over his Bloody clothes to police. The clothes he was wearing on the morning of sept 20th. The blood was determined to be Jennifers.
Now for the record, I do not know Jennifer, but for some reason this story has really struck a cord with me. I feel personally violated. I am having a terrible time coming to grips with this. I dont know if it is because I have a 19 year old daughter or just the repulsiveness of the whole sick story, but im struggling.
I can only Imagine the terrible pain and grief this girls family is suffering through. Words cannot express the emotions I am feeling and my heart truly, truly goes out to this family.
Jennifers killer must be punished severely! There is no question. Her death is like a strike against Americans everywhere.
I am truly sickened, but this is multiplied by the fact that this was done by an Illegal Immigrant!!! America, we have stood by and let them take our Jobs, They have taken our Freedom and Now they are taking our CHILDREN.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I dont know what I can do as one person, But I feel like I have to take a stand. We've lost so much already. Illegals come in groves from Mexico, and we let them. They just keep coming and coming and their taking over everything. We are being forced to adapt to THEIR way and it is wrong. If they want to live here. They should do 2 things Learn the language, and get their citizenship. PERIOD. If they cant do this in 1 year, then lets ship them back to mexico. WE shouldnt have to change for them, This is American and if they dont like it the way it is then I say get the HELL OUT.
Now dont get me wrong I dont have a problem with all of them. I have a few friends that are Mexican, they were born here and they have made America their home. Their family has adapted to the Americans ways and values and they are living the American dream more or less. They are not trying to change people they are just trying to have a life. They are good people who were brought here by there parents and they are as much Americans as I am.
It the ones who dont have any desire to become american that pisses me off. The ones who want to come here and work Our Jobs, while we are laid off and struggling, Draw food stamps, while we cant even feed our own family, force us to speak spanish to communicate with them, because they refuse to learn english, and work and live tax free so they can save enough to move back to mexico and retire, that pisses me off.
No I dont know what Im gonna do yet, But I for one cannot stand back and let this go. I feel like I am personally responible for taking a stand and that is what Im gonna do. Enough is Enough America, Lets take back what is OURS!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Top 10 Predictions
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10.Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Have a Penny!
Today however, I would like to talk about pet peeves, It seems I add a new one daily every since I have been working at my current job. So today Im gonna share a few.
For those that dont know I work in a food mart store. Yes we sell alot of gas too. So with the gas pumps a mere 30 ft away from me, I would have to say my Number 1 peeve of the day is....
People who smoke while pumping gas! Now I am a smoker, But I have Never, ever smoked while pumping gas, and to watch this, while I standing 30 ft away really pushes my buttons.
Number 2 also pertains to smoking, I can say these things cause I do smoke, but I dont do these things! People who throw there cigerettes on the ground 2 ft away from the ashtray provided outside. This is a minor peeve, well its not really even a peeve, its just a "why'd you do that stupid? shout out"
But the main thing that bugs me since starting this job, is just an observation. and the title to the blog.
How many of you have seen the have a penny, leave a penny, need a penny, take a penny dish, most foodmarts have on their counter.
Notice this does not say take a few take a bunch if you want we'll buy your lunch.
No it says take A penny! and If someone is 4 or 5 short I dont mind, but its the people that will take a dozen to keep from breaking a dollar that really gets me.
Today a man came in and bought a 74 cent item he had about 92 cent in his hand, but he doesnt use that, instead he takes his 2 pennines and 2 more out of the dish and then gives me a dollar.
End result, he got back 30 cent in change. rather than give me 75cent and getting a penny back, or even giving me 72 cent and using 2 from the dish he opts to do it that way and gets 3 cent back instead of one.
It really didnt make sense to me, but I just smiled, even though I had these thoughts racing thru my head. And I think was it really just a conveinence thing for him, or was it greed.
The world may never know!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Finally a week without Drama!
I was pretty busy all week and I think I have finally conveyed to my "employees" that I am after all the boss and Im not going anywhere, Im also not gonna do everything for them.
That was the problem I guess. They expected things to be done a certain way and I was busting my butt trying to make things easier on them and it went unnoticed.
So this week they had to come in and do their own work and I didnt go the extra mile and overstock and stuff for them and they realized how much I had been doing and I think they might of realized they had messed up when they did what they did.
Although I do think that the stir was caused by only one of them and the rest just kinda got sucked in.
But even better is the problem starter has decided to move on. Meaning this is her last week.
Yes I will have to hire and train someone new. But I think that will turn out for the best.
DQ hasnt been bugging me this week, thats another plus. I think she finally realized that I was serious when i said I would support HER while she was living at home, But not if she wasnt.
I will always be there to help out. But not while she is doing it all and her gf and her family is taking advantage of her.
I tried to explain to dq that you have to stretch your money when you dont know where the next $ is coming from. I think I finally got through.
I just dont have the money coming in that I used to, Its not all because of the job change.
We've had to make adjustments. But I still wouldnt go back to my old job it just wasnt worth the headache. Someday i might go back to the same kind of work, but never back to the one in Russellville thats for sure.
Anyways it was a good week, the only thing that could make it better would be if that Money tree in the back yard would start blooming, other than that i cant complain.
and How was your week?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Im tired of working
No I dont think I am one of the chosen few who should be able to sit back and not have to work for a living. Im just saying Im tired of trying to keep my head above water and never having anything left over. No money, no time, no energy.
And Im tired of being expected to do everything for everyone, all the time with nothing in return.
Now I know were not supposed to expect returns for favors and stuff like that. That isnt what I am talking about. Im talking about kids and others thinking that I should do everything and get nothing back. Cause "Im the mom thats why". My own fault, but for too long I have let things go. My kids have friends who will "drop by" just to get a drink or something. Now Im not talking about the friends that are regulars here, Im talking about the ones who drive by on 4-wheelers on their way to the track and think Oh Ill stop here and bum a drink or a meal. and before I know 1/2 a case of sodas are gone to people I dont even know.
Then you got the kids who think they are smarter than I am. You know, you tell your kids one thing and then you hear "so and so said it was like this" I dont care what they say unless there paying for it! If its costing me money than my opinion is the only one that matters!!!!
And then theres DQ who thinks she can move in with her GF and her family and not only will I continue supporting her, I will support them as well.
In fact I have went without for 2 weeks to give her grocery money, only to find out that she has been eating at McDonalds and Jacks everyday.
Pissed doesnt even begin to cover it.
And then slugger hasnt done anything all summer. I cant even get him to take the garbage out. But he tore his 4 wheeler up riding it til it couldnt be rode and now I have to buy brakes for it and wouldnt of even known that if I hadnt of got on it and he comes in today and ask why he cant ride it. "His Buddy said he didnt need brakes to ride" (I actually heard this conversation taking place while the buddy was helping himself and another kid I didnt know to sodas) I said the brake pads are GONE meaning there is no protection for the rotors which means If he rides it I have to replace BOTH, STUPID!!! I didnt call the friend this but I thought it.
Yes I am in PMS mood. And if someone rubs me the wrong way, You'll know it. Just watch the news!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I did find out what was being said and who was saying it, I really dont know What I did to this person to cause her to want to tell such blantant Lies with out any thing to back it up.
But I guess if she can live with herself and I dont have to live with her then Oh well.
I only have to see her for a few minutes a week (which makes this really freaky) But I pretty much think she wont be around very much longer. And that is just as well.
Im not saying that I love my job and Im gonna stay there forever, cause If something better paying comes along, well i will have to follow. But Im not gonna put up with her telling lies, and they know it. So if it continues, one of us will have to go, and I told them that, so nobodies in the dark on how I feel.
Oh drama, some people cant live with out It! Sigh!!!!
My Two Cents
While I know there are people out there who do abuse the system, and sadly I even know a few of them personally, (even though we are not friends).
I do believe people shouldnt Judge other people.
EVERY BODY has had to have some help at one point in their life! Whether it came in the form of welfare, financial aid, or moma and daddy loaning it.
I do not believe that any one can say they have never needed help from someone.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
I actually read a comment on AOL from a reader who said that baby formula should be cut off the WIC program. Because "after all" if they can afford to have the kid they should be able to feed it". This made me so mad I had to get up and walk away from the computer. Heaven help this person if they would have been standing in front of me when they said it.
I have read and heard some say, "their tax dollars were feeding these kids"
Well ok that may be true. But the IRS is gonna get that money one way or another, you have to pay taxes. So shouldnt it be put to good use HERE in America. I mean Come on people, we have spent BILLIONS of Dollars in EVERY other country, why are you bitching about spending it here.
I have been one of those people that had to have help. After the death of my childrens father, (while I was attending college to be able to find a better paying job) I had to quit school and go back to work at a factory. It took alot of budgeting to pay for child care and everything else that comes with life.
But that was not how it was supposed to be!! It was supposed to be different and circumstances beyond my control changed that.
"Judge not that you be not Judged"
"Before you come to my house and sweep off my doorstep, Take a good look at your own".
If you dont know the life someone else is living, and you have not walked in their shoes. Then keep your opinions to yourself.
Especially in public!!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
New Job
Seems like fate was stepping in to help me make more money.
So I took it. Ive been on the job 3 weeks and while I dont love it. the hours are better (day shift) and the money is better so its all good right? Wrong.
Yesterday I found out that the girls who work for me have been complaining about me to my boss. (I found this out from one of them, who says she hasnt said anything, hmmm)
Now I have been running myself ragged for 2 weeks trying to do a good job and they are telling him that I am not doing my job.
I was so mad when I heard this that I literaly gave myself a headache, now im just upset to the point that I do not even want to go back.
But being the only breadwinner in a family with 2 teenagers and one about to start college, I cant afford not too.
So I have been racking my brain all day trying to decide the best way to handle this.
Im still up in the air about it, so I guess I will just go in and play it by ear.
And if i have to resign then Oh well, what ever happens will happen.
Im not going to work with people who dont respect me. and Im not going to work at a place im miserable at. So Ill just have to see what happens.
After only 3 weeks on the job I really dont think it was fair of these girls to "tattle" on me without even giving me a chance. Worse still is one girl only works weekends and she said a pretty awful thing and Ive never really even been around her.
So I guess tomorrow can go one of 2 ways. I can go in and admit defeat and quit.
Or I can go in and find out what exactly Im doing wrong and fix it.
Either way some people are probably going to see a side of me I reserve only for those who Piss me off, So it should be an interesting day.
Ill try to update soon.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Yes, its been awhile
Of course you already know I got a job. And while the hours are not my favorite and
the pay isnt up to my usual standards, its not a bad job.
I really dont have to work hard at all.
I am one of these people that knows better than to question fate. I believe this is the job I am supposed to have for right now, even if I have to struggle to make ends meet.
But my stress level is way down and that is a major plus.
With all the lay-offs in the area I know that I am lucky to have a job.
Even though after I pay for gas I really dont make much more than I could draw from unemployment, That could only last for so long, So I had to get back on the job wagon.
The fact that I had to take such a pay cut, because I suspect I was black-balled at the other places I applied to, is my main stress at the time. And even so I figure "what goes around, comes around" So some people better watch out.
I am trying hard not to let that get the best of me.
So I have to work tomorrow, I have been off for 2 days and enjoyed myself immensely.
So Maybe now that I am getting the routine down, I will be able to get on here and post more often.
Until then....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thought for the Day!
that is why some people appear brighter,
until you hear them speak!"
--Larry the cable guy
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thought of the Week!
I had to pick my brain and come up with a thought for the week.
So In Honor of Mothers everywhere, I chose this one!
"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
--Washington Irving
Friday, May 9, 2008
I Hate Lawnmowers!!!
Why you ask, because I have neighbors
and the Bible tells me to "Love thy neighbor",
so therefore I must Hate the lawnmowers!
It took me about 5 years to break my dad from
mowing the lawn at 6 o'clock in the morning,
How long do you think it will take me to break my neighbors?
And to top that, one neighbor mowed from 6-8,
the other from 8-10.
And the very worse part is the second neighbor was
Mowing the Church yard.
I. Cant. Win.
Happy Friday!!!
Plus Size Counterfeit
I was on Ebay checking out some plus size dresses,
not really that I wanted to buy one, just browsing.
Anyways standing on the beach looking positively radiant
in a full length formal wedding gown was a size 4 model.
Now this dress was amazing and the model wore it well, but...
It was supposed to be a plus size gown.
Yes it was one of those places that sell all sizes, but the ad was for a plus size.
I dont want to see what a gown looks like on a skinny model.
If I want to buy it for me I want to see what it will look like on someone my size.
(no Im not buying a wedding dress, your missing the point,
I was also looking at prom dresses cause I have one to sell).
Go into a store and look at the plus size clothes,
on the skinny mannequins with a belt looped around it twice, it looks real sexy.
We cant all be skinny, and for those of us plus size people out there we already have to pay double price for clothes, But to see a small person modeling a plus size outfit,
just adds insult to injury.
And do you know whats almost as bad,
seeing a person who wears a size 14 being referred to as plus size.
14! Id love to be in a 14.
But too many doctors, and whatever have brainwashed people
into believe if they arent a size 5 they're fat.
Oh No I wont even get started on that.
Until next time...
Thought for the day!
and your enemies wont believe you anyway!"
I do live by this, pretty much.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thought for the Day
to work, to play
and to look up at the stars."
--Henry Van Dyke
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Today thru I rediscovered the samples at Walmart. I didnt realize until today that you can go to, and click on the Instores now pull down, and click on free samples to view ALL the samples they have for the day.
Today I sent for several samples, including: Crystal light single drink mixes, Fiberone caramel delight cereal, Ban anti-perspirant, and beneful fiber supplement.
Its only 4 oclock so I am still looking at some more samples and freebies. When I find them, I will pass them on.
Until next time...
Thought for the Day!
and tomorrow a vision of hope."
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thoughts for the day!
Until next time....
Thought for the day!
but about learning how to dance in the rain."
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Good news since I have nothing to complain about. Or bad news cause I havent had time to write.
Actually the first one fits. Its been a pretty mellow week. With the exception of yesterday, and even that wasnt too bad
My brother Mello lost his keys. Well this is an everyday occurence, and I usually find them quickly, however these were keys to a truck he just bought last week and it has been parked since monday.
Soooo, monday I wasnt tracing his every move so, Im not sure where they could be.
Since we have all tore everything apart and looked everywhere
Mello's work place has a company pick up their work clothes to be cleaned every week, well the good thing is they'll find there way back, the bad news is it will be next week.
So he had a particularly bad day yesterday, which only got worse with two or three different things that happened
Well normally this would stress me, but yesterday I just laughed it off cause I have determined (during my lack of employment status) that you just cant "sweat the small stuff" and there is definately no use crying over spilled perfume.
So while I did tell him it wasnt funny
So all in all its been a ok week for me and if I can get him to see my point of view things will be better for him soon.
I use the title Karma because I have a friend who works with a girl who walks around saying "Karma" everytime something happens, and it really annoys her. lol So while i do believe in "what goes around, comes around" Karma is not the word I use, even if they might mean the same thing. But yesterday wasnt a "Karma" thing, as much as it was just the Devil trying to rain on someones parade, as he does when he can, especially after someone has already had a pissy day.
Anyways, Until next time,
Search for the sunshine and you might find a rainbow,
Search for a rainbow and you might find a Pot'of gold.
Take time to smell the roses. Life is too fast paced these days, if everyone was to take a minute to slow down and reflect there would be alot less stress in the world...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Easily Amused
You think Im easily amused, just wait til you here the good news that I am about to reveal.
Today I........
to stay up in a ponytail!!!!
Thats right folks, coming from someone who cut 14 inches off her hair at one time just because it was to hot at work, and everytime it got too long I cut it off again. Now since I dont have a job to go to so I dont have to worry about impressing anyone, it has finally gotten to a length that it does something besides look shabby.
Anyways, I just felt the need to share that with the 2 or 3 people who actually READ my post.
Much love to you that do.
Until next time...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Shot down
First of all I should say I applied for a teller position in a bank. Although I knew they did a credit check and so forth, I guess I didnt really realize the severity my credit was in until now. I also didnt realize exactly how they check it.
Yes I know I owe money, but I do pay my bills on time, but this is not what they look at. They actually take your credit report to a Lender in the bank and ask them if they would loan you money. If they say you are high risk for a loan, then they believe you will STEAL from them to pay your bills. So your application is thrown out right then and there No questions asked.
Now I can understand this to an extent, what I dont understand is how they think people without jobs can pay their bills. Also Why do they automatically ASS-ume that every one who is high risk for a loan is going to steal from them if they get the chance?
I believe there is a little bit of discrimination going on here, but what can I do.
So even though I used to have a high paying,
Well I dont need a Loan, I. Need. A. Job.
Until next time...
I am # 5
Well Just out of boredom today, I put my blog name in and wahlah... I came up # 5 on the goggle search engine, for my post on the Trucker Strike. Thats out of 160,000. I am so Pysched. Lol.
It really is just fun to see my post on a search engine. Makes me feel
Anyways I was actually searching for a way to make money online, cause I read a story about this 17 yo girl who was designing graphics for her friends to use on myspace and ending up dropping out of school because her site got so many hits she actually started making money with the ads placed on her site by Goggle.
She made ALOT of money, and while I would love to make alot of money, I am not greedy, I would be ok just making enough to live off of.
So here I go with a new venture. Ive been Ebay'ing for months and Ive made a little but nothing major. But since I am unemployed every little bit counts.
So if anyone has had any luck with anything that puts a few bucks in the pocket... Give me a shout out!
If I come up with anything, I will gladly share it in a Post.
Until next time...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Broccoli Casserole
- 1 pack Broccoli flowerettes (the tops I buy them already cut)
- 1 can cream of mushroom soup
- 1 can of chedder cheese soup
- 1/2 cup rice
- 1/2 cup milk
Steam broccoli about 3-4 minutes in the microwave. (you can do this in a ziploc bag just leave it partly open. Bag will be hot!) Put broccoli in a casserole dish. Mix soups together in bowl with 1/2 can of milk, pour over broccoli. Stir in rice, making sure to cover rice completely or it wont cook. Cook @ 350 for 20-25 minutes. Serves 4
Tip: I use minute rice when i have it to make sure it comes out done. Also when I found this recipe it called for 8oz cheese whiz, I use the cheese soup instead cause its cheaper and just as good. Also I use a little extra rice to make more, just as long as the soup mixture covers it all completely you can do this.
Cheesy scalloped potatoes
Its fairly quick and its easy. My kids love it. I came up with this one day for something different
and its a regular dish every week.
- 8 medium potatoes (I use white cause there cheaper)
- 1 can cream of mushroom soup
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1 cup shredded cheese (I use chedder/jack blend)
- salt
Peel potatoes, slice (not lenghtwise) about a 1/4 inch thick. Rinse and put in pot covered with water and cook about 20 minutes or until almost done.
Mix soup and sour cream together in a bowl. Put potatoes in a 13x9 pan or casserole dish. Sprinkle with salt. (I dont eat much salt, so you can save this step for after cooking and salt to taste) pour soup mixture over potatoes and mix together. (if you overcooked the potatoes this step will mush them up, but you can still eat them)
Cover with cheese and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes, until cheese is melted to your likeness. This gives potatoes time to finish cooking and lets the soup soak in. Thats it. Serve it up. This make 4-6 servings depending upon how big your servings are.
Another day in paradise!
I really need to get a life. Cause if you dont remember the rest of that "poem" email me and I will send it to you privately.
Its friday, and well I guess that means something to some people, but not me. Cause fridays are just another day for me since I dont have a Job.
Im trying, really trying to remain positve, even though I got my hopes up about another job I applied for only to get shot down on a technicality. Anyways Im Positve something will turn up.
A few minutes ago I got a phone call (on my cell phone to top that) from someone claiming I had won a prize, No Strings attached. LOL yeah I was born yesterday. Anyways the prize was a $1000 online shopping spree, Yea me!! The first obvious "string" was that I had to pay S & H on anything I bought. Ok I can still at least look. The second "string" was that I had to agree to receive 5 magazines a month for 60 month free. Ok so I can do that... But... I had to agree to PAY $3.83 a week for 60 months for these
LOL I was still laughing after telling her that with all those strings you could hang your self out to dry. and I proceeded to tell her I dont know how you got my CELL phone number, but please make sure it is off the list so I dont have to hear from you people again.
Oh I was nice of course, she said she was new, Apparently they also thought she was stupid, because she picked up on the "strings" right away too.
As she apologized, I did too cause its sad that people need Jobs and in some places this was probably the best she could do.
I wish her luck, because at least she has a Job. But I think she will plan her next call differently knowing now that this no strings offer comes with so many strings.
Until next time...
Monday, April 14, 2008
My Favorite Quotes
No they didnt call me up and ask if they could, But I know I have been using these for a long time, so somewhere down the road someone got them from me and passed them on. LOL.
One of the first items that I want is cups. No I dont need coffee cups, I dont even drink the stuff, but the sentiment is perfect.
There are 4 cups and this is what they say:
- I take Life with a grain of salt...a wedge of lime and a shot of Tequila.
- My greatest fear is that there is no PMS and this is my real personality.
- I cook with wine...Sometimes I even add it to the recipe. And then theres my favorite,
- Just put on your big girl panties and get over it.
They also have a set of Fridge Magnets, Lord knows I dont need anymore of them, but that doesnt mean I wont buy them anyways. Check it out.
- And your crybaby, whiny opinion would be?
- Im not bossy, I just have better ideas.
- Its not P.M.S., its Y.O.U.!
- Dont give me your attitude, I already have one. And last but not least
- All stressed out with noone to choke!
So I like stuff with quotes on them, and well lets face it. I. Like. To. Shop. So if your like me check out The Lakeside Collection for yourself. You can browse online or have a catalog sent to you. I choose the catalog because I can spend more money time looking, but you can shop online too.
And they sell more than just cups and magnets, they have all kinds of stuff, from shelves to clothes to furniture. See for yourself.
Until next time...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Living the Dream
And their smash #1 hit (which they were told would never make it)
CRR performed at the International Dogwood Festival in Winchester Tennessee Last night.
They have performed there for several years, So long in fact that Kenny Chesney once Opened for THEM!
This makes the 4th or 5th time I have seen them and the last 2 times I have watched them from the stage steps since my friend has become good friends with Wayne (the bass player).
They are some of the nicest peole you will ever meet. Danny Shirley (the lead singer) is the most down-to-earth person I think I have ever meet. Considering they have been doing this for 20+ years now, he really could have a reason to be a little stuck up, But He Is Not.
Anyways on with the story. As we were driving across the Tn line all we can see for miles is Signs.... The Tn lottery. We dont have a lottery in Alabama of course, so seeing these signs all over gives people like me a chance to dream.
We pulled into a store and there are signs everywhere, but of course Im not the kind of person that believes luck will fall on me
So when we pull out of the lot, I notice yet another sign. $80 million Jackpot. Wow, wouldnt that be great.
I remark to my friend that $80 million would sure make alot of old friends come out of hiding. lol
Except of course If I won that much money they would have to find me in Florida. We laughed as we both agreed.
Many people remark that Money is the root of all evil.
It is actually THE LOVE of money.
I do not Love money, (I just like it a whole lot).
But I do think that whoever said "Money doesnt buy Happiness" Didn't know where to Shop!
The thought of winning the lottery only lasted for about 45 minutes. Since thats how long it took to get from where we were at, to where we were going, But it was nice to dream. At least it always is for me.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Site of the Day
Sometimes they have some pretty decent samples, just remember it is samples,
you wont find any full size products on here very often. But it does happen.
Today I got a pledge multi surface wipe, it includes 2 coupons for their products. Check it out for yourself.
Another site I heard about to is for a coupon to BOGO the new Oust Sanitizer air and surface spray. I didnt know it, but Lysol only works on surfaces. Everytime someone gets sick I spray the house with Lysol, Little did I know that its not effective if you just spray the air. Well I usually spray the doorknobs and phones and such. But Imagine a product that sanitizes the Air.
Now Im sure this stuff is probably $4 a can so a coupon to get one free would be great. Especially since there are different fragrances. It will give you a chance to pick up 2 different scents for the price of one.
Til Next Time. Happy Hunting.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Is it over yet?
Well I used to like mondays, cause at my old Job Mon was my day off.
Now that Im off all days, I can see mondays for what they really are... Pure EVIL.
My weekend was not the greatest anyways, because slugger wrecked his truck friday night.
But I got woke up before I wanted to be up today, and it was downhill from there.
I hurt my brothers feelings, because he was already having a bad day and I said something, (while I was half asleep, He woke me up) and he took it personal.
So then some other stressful things happened and I was at the snapping point, when my dad decided he wanted to help me open the pool up.
Well that would be great, any other day, but today I had a headache and I didnt want to mess with it. But I did, and me being a woman and all I apparently didnt know how!
Even though I have been doing it every year for 10 years with out help.
So I snapped at him and made his monday even more grand.
So it was like the whole family was just going around, snapping at each other and well ets just say Im glad its bedtime for alot of folks.
So there was no time for organizing or going thru any thing today, so maybe tomorrow I will have something useful for ya'll. Maybe even later tonight if things go right.
So until then. Thank God monday doesnt come more than once a week.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Im a pack rat
This has got me continuely looking to see if there is a better place to put something, stuff that can be thrown away, or given away.
Well everytime I walk thru a room I realize one thing. Im. A. Pack. Rat.
I come by it honestly really I do. I can actually set stuff in a box out on the porch to be taken to the trash, and my mother will stop and go through this stuff and try to find out Why I dont want it.
Dq cleaned out her room and toted bags and boxes of stuff to the curb. My mom thought she was kidding evidently and toted half the stuff back in. Afraid I guess that we might need it, "someday".
Well I am trying, my niece has decided to do it one room at a time, so I think that is how I will too. I have started, somewhat slowly. I dont know if it is that I dont want to get rid of stuff or if I dont want to go thru it. So it may take a while. But I will get it done, After all when I move to florida in 3 more years I wont be taking all this stuff with me. So I better do it now.
Anyways while I was looking for tips I found a couple of interesting sites.
The first one has a load of recipes on it, it has alot of other stuff too, but it was the recipes that made me take notice. Click here to go to the "organized home" page.
I also found another page in my quest. It is called real simple. I didnt really get to look at this page alot, though it looked like it may have alot of info on it. However it looked a little busy also.
By busy I mean it had alot of clutter on the page. But if time is not a factor then it might prove useful.
Anyways I also found a top list for you to consider:
Top 5 things to consider before you buy something!
- Do I really need this?
- Do I have somewhere to store it?
- Do I already have something like this?
- Am I buying it just because it’s on sale?
- Is it something I've been interested in for a long time, or am I buying on impulse?
Thats it for now. But I will leave you with one more tidbit.
"I can sell this on Ebay", IS NOT an excuse to hold on to stuff.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Me, Me, Me
Let's face it, Im an overweight, unemployed, middle-aged, single mom of 2 teenagers and I really dont have much of a social life. So about all I have to do is get on the computer and surf the web.
Well surfing the web isnt really all that when you have Dial-up, cause it takes so long for the new pages to load.
So when my niece kept telling me she started a blog, and she wrote in it every day. Its really a good way to keep up with her since she lives a few hours away.
So I decided to do the same. Except that now I look at my page and realize its just a place for me to come and B**** about my life, and really my life is not all bad, its not all good either, but you know what I mean. So in looking around at other peoples blog page, I thought I would like to have a page that offered useful information. LOL
Which takes us back to surfing the web. There is alot of useful info out there, and I would like to be able to put it to good use. So while I will still spend time complaining about Life to all that will listen online writing on my blog page, I hope to throw in a couple of useless or useable tips along the way. Thanks for listening.
Its Friday
Prom Night.
We searched and searched for the perfect dress. Considering Dq is in the plus size this was not easy task. If she had been a size 5 we could of have our pick of dresses and got them for as little as $99. But that was not to be, so after the search was over, the checkbook came out and $350 later we were the proud owner of a beautiful-ly overpriced plus size gown.
Yes my daughter is spoiled and thinks nothing of this amount being spent. She even acts like it was a good deal. Reality will stick her soon enough I guess.
Anyways, Tonight is prom night. Today however is, The day of prom.!!!
All the kids who will be attending the prom will check out of school 3 hours early, so they can go get their hair and makeup done. If they were lucky enough to get to the mall this week, they have already had their finger nails and toenails done. Dq wasn't so shes getting a friend to do hers today. This is only after I refused to pay $35 for her to get this done professionally.
When it came time to spend her own money she had a change of plans. Plus she is going to another prom next week and I refused to put any Cash into this one at all. This is the prom of her "friend" and at this school they have to pay for their date to go. Only her friend didnt think she should have to pay it so DQ did. The reason she said was because her "friend" was having to pay for a bunch of other stuff for the prom. I didnt believe it then and i dont believe it now.
SO I refused to pay out for it.
Anyways Slugger is getting to go to her prom tonight. He is going to be a server. That another thing, at tonights prom they actually serve food.
Next week at the other one, they are meeting up at a resturant to eat before the prom because they dont eat at theirs. Dq is paying $35 to go to this prom, her friend is "supposedly" paying $130 to go, but this doesnt even pay for the prom shirt? What is it paying for?
Dq said since Friend didnt go last year she has to pay for what she would of spent last year.
Whatever, and I was born last night.
Anyways Dq raised money her Jr year for the prom and didnt have to pay anything to go last year or this year.
So needless to say i am a little disheartened that my daughter is such a Naive little pushover.
I swear she didnt get it from me.
Sad thing is, she doesnt believe a word I said. Anytime I tell her something she has to go ask 15 other people for their opinion and then she comes to the conclusion that I was right all along.
But this friend of hers can make her believe the world is flat.
Anyway as usual I got off subject. Til next time!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Links to great sites
Considering I am currently unemployed, any help I can get is appreciated.
I found this site Hillybilly housewife while browsing and wanted to share it with you.
It has some great tips on budgeting your money at the grocery store, as well as recipes.
Along with other tidbits.
Hopefully I will find more great sites like this to pass on.
Also while you are checking out sites. Check out my nieces site. Alabama-mama
She always has great stuff on her page, with recipes and freebies and links to everything.
Shes the one who got me started blogging and now I cant stop.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Trucker Strike update
I Have AOL dial-up so I get the lastest news instantly, (it is one of the good things about AOL).
My opinion is that most of the people are supportive in the truckers efforts to do something about Gas prices.
Lets Face it, Its really about the only thing that can be done.
Even if it doesnt work, atleast they tried.
But I found one thing on this post quite disturbing. I copied this directly from the post so its word for word.
Meanwhile in Washington, top executives of the five biggest U.S. oil companies said they know high prices are hurting consumers but deflected any blame and argued their profits — $123 billion last year — were in line with other industries.
$123 BILLION How many Zeros is in that?
Of course their profits are in line with other industries,
Who in there right mind would admit that they are ripping off Literally Millions of Hard working Americans trying to make a living.
I sure wouldnt admit to it.
And I guess Im a little naive maybe, Cause I still dont see how All of this is President Bushes Fault. I might be missing something, but really.
The 5 biggest oil companies in the world ADMIT to pocketing $123 billion last year.
No where in that statement did it say. George W. Bush is getting rich off the gas prices. But I guess thats another Blog.
But Seriously, Truckers arent just doing this for the statement, Some of them Literally cannot afford to run. They are spending all their money on fuel and dont even have money to eat on. or pay bills at home. This is quite disturbing.
These are the people everyone depends on. Without trucks on the road, we'd have a shortage of food, clothes, and Yes even Gas.
So whats it gonna take. I dont know.
But I think its time to Wake Up America, and quit blaming everything on everyone else. No one person caused this problem, and One person cant fix it.
Not even Obama.
April's Fools
Yesterday might as well have been April 1st, although today wasnt much better.
Why? Because being Monday, and seeing how DQ was once again gone all weekend, Guess-What-Happened? Yep, you guessed it! her car wouldnt start.
(sighs dramatically) Now my brother Mellow, (short for mellowdramatic, however you spell that) Worked on it last night after dark of course, because being monday he had to work late..... Yes so I really, Really hated to tell him it wouldnt start.
But... I did. Now I also begged him to leave it til today, but he wouldnt so he fixed what he thought was the problem and it started and we parked it back in the yard, to wait for morning. April's Fools Day!!!!
I held my breath as Dq walked to the car, i was still in the bed and not quite ready to get up, 1,2,3. I wait, and yes she comes back in, Stomping her feet of course,
As she enters my peaceful haven, I rolled to the other side of the bed, while mumbling Take Mine, with out waiting for her to speak.
As the morning goes on and the clock strikes 9, I leap out of bed (yeah right) and float to the door, hoping just maybe...But no,
It was not an April fools prank.
So thats how the first day of April treated me this year,
Hope your day was better!!!
and just for the record, The s in April's fool's day was deliberate.
Trucker Strike
They are stutting down their rigs in protest of the outrageous Fuel prices,
and who can blame them. Certainly not me, its just too bad that we cant all do it.
Everybody has to drive somewhere. We have to go to work, to school, to the grocery store, to the Doctor. There are so many places we have to go all the time.
Unless you live in a apartment in town a block away from everything, you have to have a car. Its sad really, What we have to have to get by these days.
Im not really old, but I can remember when going to Walmart was a MONTHLY treat. Now some people do it 3-4 times a week. The closest Walmart to me is 25 miles away, I dont go often, but there was a time when I thought nothing of loading up and going to Walmart just to pick up some non-essential item that I wanted right then. Now I hardly leave the house.
I dont have a job right now so I cant keep the roads hot, But I really have no desire to go anywhere. I guess you could say Im doing MY part in the strike process by staying home. I have to go to some of Sluggers ballgames, but I am averaging about $20 a week on gas in my SUV. Some times less depending on where the game is. DQ spends about $70 a week keeping the roads hot, but really most of it is going to school and work. Slugger spends about $25, going to school and ball practice.
Its amazing to think that when I had a Job I was driving 65 miles round trip to work and then I was spending about $100 a week on gas, and I was just going to work and back.
Now if I was still there I think it would be closer to $150 a week. I dont know whether to be happy Im not working or concerned cause Im not.
The place I worked was not one I chose, rather I was transfered there from another store and it was only supposed to be for a year. Well that turned into to a permenant transfer, (against my wishes) and I finally left. But if I had of stayed on I think I would of had to bought a car cheaper on gas.
But I have gotton off subject, This trucker strike could be a good thing or a bad thing. It could really go either way. I think its the little people who are getting hurt the most by the gas prices and the little people will be hurt by truckers not buying their gas. Of course the independent truckers really cant afford to shut their trucks down for long, but they cant afford to pay these prices either.
So I guess if they shut down for a week, Maybe it will make a big enough impact to be worth it. But they have done it before and it only worked for a little while.
Sad thing is, the trucking companies are not participating in this strike, so its up to the little guys to pull this off. So all we can do is wait and see what kind of effect this will have.
Tune in for more updates.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Opinions are Free!
DQ is waiting patiently for this trip for 18 years.
Its a trip that signals her Grown up status.
I guess for her that is. Anyhoo.
Her class sponser (and Chaperone) has offered detailed advice for the students, and I find myself offened. Why you ask?
Well its like this. The seniors are going to Disney World.
The most magical place on the earth, (sigh!!) children of all ages. (2-102) cant help but be amazed by the miracles of the imagination.
I dont think there is anyone who couldnt be transformed at Disney world.
But Im off subject.
Ms. S has given the class maps of all the different parks.
Magic Kingdom, Epcot, ect...
On these maps she has listed her favorite and least favorite attractions. Suggesting (get this) that some of these attractions be Avoided all-together.
The Number 1 on her list to be avoided. "Its a small world". My absolute favorite of all time.
Yes while I can see this may not be appealing for 18 yo boys, this attraction is one of the oldest in the park. A entire world of miniture dolls singing in different languages from around the world.
I can see saying "I wasnt impressed by this" but to go so far as to suggest they avoid it completely is offensive to me.
Number 2 on the list is also number 2 on my favorite list. The Jungle Cruise. A 30 minute lazy river ride on a boat, with a crack up comedian captain of the ride telling jokes and driving you thru waterfalls, as you watch animals and tribes of all kinds in the habitat. All of this is animated of course, but still who's to judge a perfectly fine attraction.
There is absolutely NO way to see all of the magic kingdom in 1 day, much less 4, but since they will be there for 4 days, let them choose their own path. Yes they have hopper passes to all the parks, and they cant see it all. But gimme a break, Not everyone likes the same thing.
I hate crabmeat, but DQ loves it. Id never tell her she shouldnt try something just because I dont like it.
And the topper to all of this is, Ms.S has told them the firwork show is best from the epcot, While I have heard this and cant disagree, (ive never been to epcot) I do know that the magic kingdom parade, which leads up to the firework show, can only be seen AT the Magic Kingdom.
So if everyone goes to Epcot, at her suggestion, Then they will all miss the parade.
I personally think that anyone who goes to Disney World should not leave without seeing the Magic Kingdom parade, And small world, and the Jungle cruise.
But hey thats just MY opinion.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Just another Manic Monday.
I woke up at 7am, which is the time the kids get up for school, and I kept hearing sirens, So I got out of bed and went out the back door to see where they were going.
I have a 90 yo neighbor, she actually lives about 1/2 mile up the road, but I can see here back door from mine, and that is where the ambulance was. I called my dad, cause his brother knows EVERYTHING, usually before it happens, but he hadnt called yet.
So I can only assume its not good, It cant be if the ambulance is there right?
Well since Im up and about, (even though I really wanted to go back to bed) I go out front to see the kids off to school.
This is where I start questioning my judgement in getting out of bed.
DQ is sitting in her car with the door open, shaking her head, it wont crank. it figures.
Now I have put a mountain of cash into this car, one that I bought after she wrecked my pride and joy, and it has been nothing but trouble.
The motor and transmission actually came out of the car she wrecked because she ran this car hot and cracked the head.
Anyways I have to get dressed because its cold outside and I go to see what is wrong.
It acts like the battery is dead, and she tells me, (get this)
"its been doing this for 3 days".
Well If its been doing it for 3 days dont you think you should have brought it home so it could be checked out, instead of staying gone in it for 5 days and then having it quit on you completely?
She doesnt understand my anger. Worse yet if shes not at school in like 7 minutes, shes gonna go to jail for being tardy.
Seriously thats how it works here, since shes 18.
If she was 15 it'd be ME going to jail.
So I send her to school in my SUV. The one I only drive a little cause of the Gas prices. Its not like I have anywhere to go. But I make it a point to have all my ducks in a row before I leave.
Anyways dad and I hook up a charger and try to jump start it. No dice, we clean the cables, change out the batteries, clean the cables again, try another battery. I call my brother to ask his opinion. Nothing is working.
So we finally decide its the starter and yes I happen to have a spare one of those also.
But B4 we can get it in the shop, my bro comes home from work on lunch and works his magic, and cranks the car. Now it was more than just his touch, and it took his whole lunch hour, but still.
Anyone who knows me knows Id rather be beat than have to get him to fix something.
Not because hes mean or anything, just because he works all the time. Non-stop never slows til down, until he is completely exhausted and has to lay down.
So I guess the car is fixed, (though she really needs a new one) atleast it will crank.
However there is still the question of why it did what it did.
Dq had to take my SUV to college to take a compass test, 30 miles away :( and she has to work tonight.
Wonderful, so there goes that $20 worth of gas I put in it friday, and I havent even crunk it since.
Everything happens for a reason. Only thing is we usually dont figure out the reason until it no longer matters.
Ahhh, Calgon take me away.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Have you ever?
Like you were on the train to nowhere?
Like you were the Last one in line for tickets to paradise?
Well I guess thats kinda how I feel today.
Im not really depressed, per se, more like discontent.
So many things in my life have not turned out the way I expected them to.
I never expected to raise 2 kids alone.
I never expected to be alone after they were grown.
I never expected to be 40 years old and searching for the meaning of life.
I never expected to go through all the preparations of being a Store Manager, just to have to walk away from it after so long.
I never expected to be as well educated and well trained as I am, and not be able to find a good paying job.
I miss my kids being kids.
I miss my friends, I lost because of the job demands.
I miss my niece who lives to far away to visit often.
I miss gas prices being $2 a gal.
I miss the perks of a job I used to love,
but grew to despise after being transfered to Hell.
I miss the friends I lost when I left the Job.
I miss being Missed.
I miss having a Life.
I just want to be someone to someone.
Is that really to much to ask for?

Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring break
This is ok with me and them. Its just weird, for some reason the kids in this county, and Im sure some others, get out of school for a whole week in april.
This usually works out well for me cause its warmer and we can make plans for this week.
When I had a Job I actually planned my vacation around what is Known as AEA week.
But seeing that other counties (and possibly even kids from other states) were out of school this week could have cause for concern. Why? you ask.
Because for those who dont know where I live, I live 1/2 mile from a dirt track, and I live in 4 wheeler country! Now I have 4 wheelers, in all there are about 8 here 5 that runs for sure and the rest are iffy. But Im off track.
The neighbors, their friends, their relatives and Im sure even their In-laws have 4 wheelers, So if you dont see where this is going, All week long it has been None stop 4-wheeling from 8am to 10pm . 4-wheelers, dirt bikes, big ones small ones, its been a non stop parade All Week Long!
Now the track is 1/2 mile down the road you say, and yes you can hear them from here, but they dont stay on the track Noo. The road in front of my house is MUCH better for 4-wheeling,
why, because they can drive (wideopen) on this 1/4 mile stretch and then turn and go up the RR tracks, which will take them all the way back to the nearest town, about 5 miles away, without them having to get on the highway.
So yes the kids that go to school with my kids have been in school most of the week, but the ones that go to school 10 miles away were out all week. Not to forget, about 8 teenagers were visiting from up north some where with there parents at their vacation home, which is 1/2 mile in the other direction, and I think they brought 6 4-wheelers.
So all in all its been a good week. LOL If I could learn to go to bed early and get up early that is.
I should be used to it. Its spring time and that means people outside at all hours. which includes, my dad next door with the lawnmower at 7am on Sat morning.
But thats another Story!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The World according to Vicki
Dont get me wrong, It is a pretty cool song. But I am so tired of the fast pace of life
these days. Hurry up and Wait I say.
Hurry up and get there. Hurry up and get home.
We have Microwaves to hurry dinner along. And fast food if your really in a hurry.
90 seconds. Thats the McDonalds time. McDonalds says that the average person doesnt want to wait more than 90 seconds in the drive thru for their food.
GIVE ME A BREAK! If anybody in this world orders 3 Big Macs, 2 Filets, A salad,
6 large orders of fries, and 6 large drinks, plus a happy meal, and thinks that it should be ready in 90 seconds or less THEY should be committed.
Wal-mart has 30 registers in there stores to speed service. HA Have you ever seen all of them open? NO at the very most I have seen 8 open at one time. But it gets worse.
How many people (besides me) will stand in the checkout line long enough to read the entire Star magazine only to have a new checker present herself the minute you load your stuff on the counter ? And then to make matters worse she forgets her ID code or the register wont clear and she has to call a manager to fix it. All the while your Ice cream is melting and your milk is getting hot and the fried chicken that you got at the deli for supper is cold. UGH!!
Please tell me that Im not the only person who ever lost it in Walmart and just walked off and left $60 worth of groceries on the counter.
And dont even get me started on the Gas lines. Please! I would rather pay the extra 2 cents a gallon at the next station down the road than fight the lines at Walmart. But thats just me.
Even when you see people on Vacation, things are fast paced. People trying to get in every adventure they can in 5 days and then you know they go home so wore out from the "vacation" they need another one.
Yes there was a time when I went on vacation and I planned every activity down to the minute and I was exhausted when I got home.
Let me assure you I dont do that anymore. When I go on vacation I dont do nothing. My kids get mad cause they want to go here and there and see this and that. But me the only 3 places I want to see are 1. the Beach 2. the couch 3. the resturant were gonna Sit down and eat in, at our own pace of course cause Im never in a hurry when I go out to eat. I spent to many years eating standing up at work to be in a hurry when I go out.
Well thats my rant for the day. Hope you enjoyed it!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
40 Things about ME
2. I was married for 7 years.
3. My ex was killed 13 months after our divorce.
4. Im allergic to potpurri, and most perfumes.
5. I hate the smell of vanilla.
6. I love the smell of the Ocean.
7. I love palm trees.
8. I collect windchimes~mostly seashell ones.
9. I have an indoor dog~this suprises most people.
10. I hate Cats.
11. I've been to Las Vegas.
12. I used to work for a Clown. LOL
13. I miss my Job.
14. I was in the Band in High School.
15. I also worked at a club.
16. I love Live Bands.
17. I think Keanu Reeves is HOT!!
18. I cry watching stupid stuff on TV. (rozeanne)
19. Im addicted to Crime shows.
20. I hate reality TV.
21. I like to fish.
22. Im addicted to Ebay.
23. I love to dance.
24. If I wasnt fat, I'd be a coyote.
25. I have met all the guys in the group Confederate Railroad.
26. When Im depressed I shop.
27. Im a pack rat.
28. Im Italian, German, and Indian. Mostly Italian.
29. I want to live on the beach.
30. My favorite song is The Dance~by Garth Brooks.
31. I collect Precious Moments.
32. I Like to decorate for Christmas.
33. I like Neon colors.
34. My favorite color is Lime Green.
35. Cato's is my favorite store.
36. I used to be really shy.
37. I was country when it wasnt cool.
38. I like cowboys.
39. I think men in uniform are HOT!
40. I hate my name.
Where did I go wrong?
I used to tell everyone what great kids I had. I never had to really spank them, or ground
them. But I guess thats because I was working 3 jobs to provide for them and never saw them.
Well what goes around comes around... Now Im not working but their both teenagers.
Wait, Teenagers with cars. So do you think I ever see them.
DQ works about 4 days a week and then when shes not at work, her friends are top priority.
Slugger has ball practice 3 hours a day M-F when there are no games and then of course how
can I make him stay home all weekend long when DQ keeps the roads hot.
I must say, slugger will at least go to Wal-mart with me on sunday. But DQ will stay gone from fri til sunday and then call to let me know what time she'll be home.
Of course you all say, I wouldnt let her do that. Well let me tell you, Sometimes its better to let her stay gone. Drama Queen is a nice name for what she can be when she doesnt get her way. And besides, as she likes to point out, Shes 18.
I know, My House ~ My Rules. Nah its not worth the headache. So yes I just let her come and go cause theres not point in argueing with her. SHes like her dad. Always gets what she wants, somehow.
But back to the beginning, I do think I have great kids, Even though they dont have time for me and I like to have pity partys, They've never really gotten into alot of trouble. DQ more than slugger, of course, How many of you have girls? But he has seen the effects drugs and alcohol have had on people in our life and I seriously doubt I will ever have that to worry about.
So I guess I can count myself lucky.