Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The World according to Vicki

When did "Life in the Fast Lane" become more than just an Eagles song.

Dont get me wrong, It is a pretty cool song. But I am so tired of the fast pace of life

these days. Hurry up and Wait I say.

Hurry up and get there. Hurry up and get home.

We have Microwaves to hurry dinner along. And fast food if your really in a hurry.

90 seconds. Thats the McDonalds time. McDonalds says that the average person doesnt want to wait more than 90 seconds in the drive thru for their food.

GIVE ME A BREAK! If anybody in this world orders 3 Big Macs, 2 Filets, A salad,
6 large orders of fries, and 6 large drinks, plus a happy meal, and thinks that it should be ready in 90 seconds or less THEY should be committed.

Wal-mart has 30 registers in there stores to speed service. HA Have you ever seen all of them open? NO at the very most I have seen 8 open at one time. But it gets worse.

How many people (besides me) will stand in the checkout line long enough to read the entire Star magazine only to have a new checker present herself the minute you load your stuff on the counter ? And then to make matters worse she forgets her ID code or the register wont clear and she has to call a manager to fix it. All the while your Ice cream is melting and your milk is getting hot and the fried chicken that you got at the deli for supper is cold. UGH!!

Please tell me that Im not the only person who ever lost it in Walmart and just walked off and left $60 worth of groceries on the counter.
And dont even get me started on the Gas lines. Please! I would rather pay the extra 2 cents a gallon at the next station down the road than fight the lines at Walmart. But thats just me.

Even when you see people on Vacation, things are fast paced. People trying to get in every adventure they can in 5 days and then you know they go home so wore out from the "vacation" they need another one.
Yes there was a time when I went on vacation and I planned every activity down to the minute and I was exhausted when I got home.
Let me assure you I dont do that anymore. When I go on vacation I dont do nothing. My kids get mad cause they want to go here and there and see this and that. But me the only 3 places I want to see are 1. the Beach 2. the couch 3. the resturant were gonna Sit down and eat in, at our own pace of course cause Im never in a hurry when I go out to eat. I spent to many years eating standing up at work to be in a hurry when I go out.

Well thats my rant for the day. Hope you enjoyed it!

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