Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Trucker Strike update

As the day wears on I have been watching AOL for info on the strike.
I Have AOL dial-up so I get the lastest news instantly, (it is one of the good things about AOL).
My opinion is that most of the people are supportive in the truckers efforts to do something about Gas prices.
Lets Face it, Its really about the only thing that can be done.
Even if it doesnt work, atleast they tried.
But I found one thing on this post quite disturbing. I copied this directly from the post so its word for word.

Meanwhile in Washington, top executives of the five biggest U.S. oil companies said they know high prices are hurting consumers but deflected any blame and argued their profits — $123 billion last year — were in line with other industries.

$123 BILLION How many Zeros is in that?

Of course their profits are in line with other industries,

Who in there right mind would admit that they are ripping off Literally Millions of Hard working Americans trying to make a living.
I sure wouldnt admit to it.
And I guess Im a little naive maybe, Cause I still dont see how All of this is President Bushes Fault. I might be missing something, but really.
The 5 biggest oil companies in the world ADMIT to pocketing $123 billion last year.
No where in that statement did it say. George W. Bush is getting rich off the gas prices. But I guess thats another Blog.

But Seriously, Truckers arent just doing this for the statement, Some of them Literally cannot afford to run. They are spending all their money on fuel and dont even have money to eat on. or pay bills at home. This is quite disturbing.
These are the people everyone depends on. Without trucks on the road, we'd have a shortage of food, clothes, and Yes even Gas.
So whats it gonna take. I dont know.
But I think its time to Wake Up America, and quit blaming everything on everyone else. No one person caused this problem, and One person cant fix it.
Not even Obama.

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