Saturday, July 26, 2008

Finally a week without Drama!

Well its been a pretty good week. Now it aint been perfect, but aside from some minor distractions, It was pretty stressfree.
I was pretty busy all week and I think I have finally conveyed to my "employees" that I am after all the boss and Im not going anywhere, Im also not gonna do everything for them.
That was the problem I guess. They expected things to be done a certain way and I was busting my butt trying to make things easier on them and it went unnoticed.
So this week they had to come in and do their own work and I didnt go the extra mile and overstock and stuff for them and they realized how much I had been doing and I think they might of realized they had messed up when they did what they did.
Although I do think that the stir was caused by only one of them and the rest just kinda got sucked in.
But even better is the problem starter has decided to move on. Meaning this is her last week.
Yes I will have to hire and train someone new. But I think that will turn out for the best.

DQ hasnt been bugging me this week, thats another plus. I think she finally realized that I was serious when i said I would support HER while she was living at home, But not if she wasnt.
I will always be there to help out. But not while she is doing it all and her gf and her family is taking advantage of her.
I tried to explain to dq that you have to stretch your money when you dont know where the next $ is coming from. I think I finally got through.
I just dont have the money coming in that I used to, Its not all because of the job change.
We've had to make adjustments. But I still wouldnt go back to my old job it just wasnt worth the headache. Someday i might go back to the same kind of work, but never back to the one in Russellville thats for sure.

Anyways it was a good week, the only thing that could make it better would be if that Money tree in the back yard would start blooming, other than that i cant complain.
and How was your week?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Im tired of working

Im so tired of the day to day, living hand to mouth routine.
No I dont think I am one of the chosen few who should be able to sit back and not have to work for a living. Im just saying Im tired of trying to keep my head above water and never having anything left over. No money, no time, no energy.
And Im tired of being expected to do everything for everyone, all the time with nothing in return.
Now I know were not supposed to expect returns for favors and stuff like that. That isnt what I am talking about. Im talking about kids and others thinking that I should do everything and get nothing back. Cause "Im the mom thats why". My own fault, but for too long I have let things go. My kids have friends who will "drop by" just to get a drink or something. Now Im not talking about the friends that are regulars here, Im talking about the ones who drive by on 4-wheelers on their way to the track and think Oh Ill stop here and bum a drink or a meal. and before I know 1/2 a case of sodas are gone to people I dont even know.
Then you got the kids who think they are smarter than I am. You know, you tell your kids one thing and then you hear "so and so said it was like this" I dont care what they say unless there paying for it! If its costing me money than my opinion is the only one that matters!!!!
And then theres DQ who thinks she can move in with her GF and her family and not only will I continue supporting her, I will support them as well.
In fact I have went without for 2 weeks to give her grocery money, only to find out that she has been eating at McDonalds and Jacks everyday.
Pissed doesnt even begin to cover it.
And then slugger hasnt done anything all summer. I cant even get him to take the garbage out. But he tore his 4 wheeler up riding it til it couldnt be rode and now I have to buy brakes for it and wouldnt of even known that if I hadnt of got on it and he comes in today and ask why he cant ride it. "His Buddy said he didnt need brakes to ride" (I actually heard this conversation taking place while the buddy was helping himself and another kid I didnt know to sodas) I said the brake pads are GONE meaning there is no protection for the rotors which means If he rides it I have to replace BOTH, STUPID!!! I didnt call the friend this but I thought it.
Yes I am in PMS mood. And if someone rubs me the wrong way, You'll know it. Just watch the news!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well I didnt quit my job. though I have to admit, it took alot for me to go in Monday.
I did find out what was being said and who was saying it, I really dont know What I did to this person to cause her to want to tell such blantant Lies with out any thing to back it up.
But I guess if she can live with herself and I dont have to live with her then Oh well.
I only have to see her for a few minutes a week (which makes this really freaky) But I pretty much think she wont be around very much longer. And that is just as well.
Im not saying that I love my job and Im gonna stay there forever, cause If something better paying comes along, well i will have to follow. But Im not gonna put up with her telling lies, and they know it. So if it continues, one of us will have to go, and I told them that, so nobodies in the dark on how I feel.

Oh drama, some people cant live with out It! Sigh!!!!

My Two Cents

Ive seen so many things, in the papers, on peoples blogs, comments left on AOL. About welfare, food stamps, WIC programs, ect....

While I know there are people out there who do abuse the system, and sadly I even know a few of them personally, (even though we are not friends).
I do believe people shouldnt Judge other people.

EVERY BODY has had to have some help at one point in their life! Whether it came in the form of welfare, financial aid, or moma and daddy loaning it.
I do not believe that any one can say they have never needed help from someone.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

I actually read a comment on AOL from a reader who said that baby formula should be cut off the WIC program. Because "after all" if they can afford to have the kid they should be able to feed it". This made me so mad I had to get up and walk away from the computer. Heaven help this person if they would have been standing in front of me when they said it.

I have read and heard some say, "their tax dollars were feeding these kids"

Well ok that may be true. But the IRS is gonna get that money one way or another, you have to pay taxes. So shouldnt it be put to good use HERE in America. I mean Come on people, we have spent BILLIONS of Dollars in EVERY other country, why are you bitching about spending it here.

I have been one of those people that had to have help. After the death of my childrens father, (while I was attending college to be able to find a better paying job) I had to quit school and go back to work at a factory. It took alot of budgeting to pay for child care and everything else that comes with life.
But that was not how it was supposed to be!! It was supposed to be different and circumstances beyond my control changed that.

"Judge not that you be not Judged"

"Before you come to my house and sweep off my doorstep, Take a good look at your own".

If you dont know the life someone else is living, and you have not walked in their shoes. Then keep your opinions to yourself.
Especially in public!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Job

Well, I got another job. No I am not a job jumper, I was offered a better paying position with the same company, just at a different location.
Seems like fate was stepping in to help me make more money.
So I took it. Ive been on the job 3 weeks and while I dont love it. the hours are better (day shift) and the money is better so its all good right? Wrong.
Yesterday I found out that the girls who work for me have been complaining about me to my boss. (I found this out from one of them, who says she hasnt said anything, hmmm)
Now I have been running myself ragged for 2 weeks trying to do a good job and they are telling him that I am not doing my job.
I was so mad when I heard this that I literaly gave myself a headache, now im just upset to the point that I do not even want to go back.
But being the only breadwinner in a family with 2 teenagers and one about to start college, I cant afford not too.
So I have been racking my brain all day trying to decide the best way to handle this.
Im still up in the air about it, so I guess I will just go in and play it by ear.
And if i have to resign then Oh well, what ever happens will happen.
Im not going to work with people who dont respect me. and Im not going to work at a place im miserable at. So Ill just have to see what happens.
After only 3 weeks on the job I really dont think it was fair of these girls to "tattle" on me without even giving me a chance. Worse still is one girl only works weekends and she said a pretty awful thing and Ive never really even been around her.
So I guess tomorrow can go one of 2 ways. I can go in and admit defeat and quit.
Or I can go in and find out what exactly Im doing wrong and fix it.
Either way some people are probably going to see a side of me I reserve only for those who Piss me off, So it should be an interesting day.
Ill try to update soon.